Why Android Gamers will always be better than iPhone Gamers

As a self-identified Android gamer, I often get asked why Android games are so much better than iOS games. After all, the iPhone has always been considered the superior gaming platform – at least until Android came along and shook things up, right? Well, that’s true in some cases, but not so in others, and there’s no single answer to explain why Android gaming dominates iPhone gaming in some areas while falling behind in others. Let’s explore three reasons why an Android gamer will always be better than an iPhone gamer.

The Top Android Games are Free

Android gamers have access to some of the best games in the world, and they are free. With popular titles like Clash of Clans, Candy Crush Saga, and Subway Surfers, it is easy to see why people prefer them. Also, because they are free to download and play, there is a much higher chance that you will enjoy the game more. If you don't like it? Just delete it and move on! The downside is that not every game has an offline mode, so your gameplay may be limited if you lose service or Wi-Fi. But overall this is a great way for someone who can't afford all the newest games to still get plenty of fun out of their device.

The hardware allows for higher quality gameplay

One of the most important aspects of any game is the graphics quality. As a gamer, you want to feel immersed in the game and not just like you are looking at a bunch of pixels on a screen. This is why mobile gamers demand high-quality graphics that can only be achieved with powerful hardware like what is found in an Android device. And as good as Apple's A9 chip may seem, it just doesn't cocomparempare to a Snapdragon 810 processor or an Adreno 430 GPU from Qualcomm. The extra power afforded by these components means that your games will run more smoothly and look much more realistic, which gives you a much better gaming experience. It also means you'll have longer battery life when playing games!

Android games are highly accessible

The best thing about Android games is how easy they are to download and play. On the other hand, if you want to download an app on your phone, you have to go through the Apple Store and pay for it. Plus, there are far more games that are free on the Google Play store. Many of these titles would cost over $10 in the App Store. Lastly, it’s easier to find a game because of all the different categories with most being separated by subcategories. There's even one category dedicated solely to card games! And finally, gamers can also subscribe to the Humble Bundle which has daily offers for some of the latest indie games out there.

iPhones have less RAM, making them lag in large maps

The reason why iPhones can't handle the size of these maps is because they have less RAM and processing power than a high-end Android device. And while it's true that newer models are catching up, right now it just comes down to how much you're willing to spend on your phone. There are also other factors like screen size which affect gaming performance too. 

And then there's the fact that iOS apps need approval before they go live in Apple’s App Store. That means developers must ensure their game meets all of Apple's guidelines and passes the company's review process before launch. That review process can take anywhere from one day to two weeks, according to Apple Insider. Meanwhile, Google Play has no such requirement, meaning games get released without any oversight at all (unless they use copyrighted material). Sure, some people might want that level of safety net – but if you want as many titles as possible (and updated versions as soon as they come out), an open system wins hands down.

Everyone can play the top games on their phone nownow

The top games on mobile devices are all available to download for free, and these days you can play them anywhere. The best part about this is that it doesn't matter what type of phone you have. Whether you're an Android or an iPhone gamer, the top games are all at your fingertips. What sets each platform apart, however, is the experience. If you want a seamless game-playing experience without having to worry about how much data it's using or running out of battery life - which usually happens if you game on your phone too often - then go with an Android device. That's not to say iPhone gamers don't have advantages as well. Games tend to look prettier on iPhones, so if graphics quality is important to you, go with Apple. But when it comes down to pure performance, Android phones are where it's at!