5 Tips to Maintain Your Mental Health

Maintaining good mental health is just as important as exercising our bodies and eating right. Whether you’re just starting out on your own, entering the next phase of your life, or have been in the same job since college, all of us can benefit from keeping our minds in tip-top shape. Take care of your mental health by following these 5 tips to maintain your mental health.

1) Listen To Music

Listening to music is a great way to get your mind off of things and relax. Studies show that classical music in particular helps alleviate anxiety, depression, and stress. Another benefit of listening to music is that it can boost your mood – especially if you listen before bedtime! Make sure you choose soothing tunes, though; songs with lyrics that make you think about life’s struggles are likely only going to make those thoughts more prominent in your mind. Instead, pick upbeat tracks that keep you thinking happy thoughts. Take A Break: There’s no shame in taking a break when we need one – even from our favorite activities! Taking time for yourself means being able to rejuvenate your mental energy so you can give 100% to everything else on your plate. If something stressful has been happening at work or school, for example, use some of your free time as an excuse to hang out with friends or unwind by watching TV or reading a book. It may feel like you’re wasting precious minutes, but trust us – they’ll do wonders for your state of mind. Exercise: We all know exercise is good for us physically, but did you know it can also be beneficial to our mental health? In fact, studies have shown that regular exercise improves symptoms of anxiety and depression by increasing blood flow to areas of the brain responsible for memory formation and emotional regulation.

2) Talk to People.

The old adage that a problem shared is a problem halved couldn’t be truer when it comes to mental health. Whether you suffer from anxiety, depression or an eating disorder, being open about your struggles and listening to advice from others who have experienced similar problems can give you invaluable perspective. If you’re feeling low, find someone in your social circle that you trust and pour out your heart to them.

3) Keep a Journal

Writing down your thoughts is a fantastic way to keep track of how you’re feeling. If you’re particularly distressed, it can be therapeutic to vent your emotions by writing them down in a journal or on social media. But try not to use social media as an emotional outlet too often; if that’s how you cope with stress, it can lead to poor physical and mental health. Try using self-help books, counseling or speaking with friends or family members instead.

4) Create New Habits

If we can build a new habit, then it’s easier for us to maintain. The best way to make sure you don’t break that habit is by creating a routine around it. Find ways to set reminders on your phone or computer so you can practice that new habit every day. Eventually, you’ll see progress and will be able to achieve anything you put your mind towards!

5) MeditateMeditate

Meditation is one of many ways you can help keep your mind at ease. Research has found that people who practice meditation experience a decrease in stress, more happiness, and more empathy. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by emotions like anger or sadness, try focusing on your breath while meditating. Don’t be discouraged if it takes time; everyone starts somewhere!