9 Secrets to Losing Weight Without Dieting
Losing weight can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be miserable. By following these nine simple tips, you can shed pounds without stressing yourself out or resorting to extreme dieting practices that are hard to sustain and not very effective anyway. If you’re ready to finally lose weight the healthy way and keep it off, follow these nine secrets to losing weight without dieting.
1) Adopt a plant-based diet
Plant-based diets have become increasingly popular in recent years and may help you achieve your ideal weight. A vegan diet omits all animal products, including meat, dairy and eggs—but it’s more than a diet; it’s an entire lifestyle that can drastically improve your health (and possibly extend your life). Studies show that vegans are typically thinner than meat eaters and often have lower cholesterol levels.
2) Eat whole, natural foods
By shopping only at your local farmers’ market or joining a CSA (community supported agriculture) share, you can buy high-quality foods straight from the source. You’ll know where they came from, which means fewer additives and preservatives, and more of those important vitamins and minerals. Whole foods are also easier to chew, so you’re less likely to overeat as a result.
3) Eat your meals slowly
When we eat quickly, our bodies don’t have time to register that we’re full and satisfied. By slowing down at mealtime, you give your body a chance to realize that it feels satiated before you start eating again. And when you eat slowly, food actually stays in your stomach longer, which means more of it gets broken down and converted into energy. This is good news for weight loss because your body will burn calories for up to three hours after eating. So if you take 20 minutes to finish lunch, then you can expect 20 extra minutes of fat burning during your afternoon workout!
5) Add in regular exercise
If you want to lose weight and keep it off, a regular exercise routine can help. Aim for at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity or 75 minutes of cardiovascular activity every week, plus strength training exercises at least twice a week. Keep in mind that these numbers may vary depending on your age, sex, and physical health. To maintain weight loss over time requires eating a healthy diet and staying active even after you reach your goal weight.
4) Get more sun exposure
6) Practice mindful eating and movement
8) Talk with a friend about what you are doing and why
7) Keep a record of what you eat and do every day
9) Celebrate all achievements no matter how big or small they are